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Kid's PoweredUp at Lake Elmo Library with Sports Nutrition Talk, Chomp, and fun games!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Susan Crowell RD, gave a sports nutrition talk to kids at Lake Elmo Library on Wednesday, June 15, as a part of their "Ready, Set, Read" - Summer Olympic Reading Program. Each child received a PowerUp Sports Nutrition- Youth Guide Playbook while Susan gave her talk about ways to PowerUp your body throughout the summer!

Afterwards, Kids broke off into groups and went around to various PowerUp Stations:

The Sugar Challenge Station: Susan challenged kids to guess how much sugar was in different kinds of drinks.
GORP making station: Kids made their own trail mix that can be used to PowerUp their bodies!
Veggie Vote Station: Kids tried snap peas, roasted garbanzo beans, and asparagus tips and voted with a thumbs up or thumbs down!
PowerUp Water bottle station: Kids received a water bottle and were able to get creative and decorate!
Prize Drawing Station: Kids were able to put their name in a drawing box for a chance to win giant bouncy ball or mini stuffed Chomps!

Chomp, PowerUp's super-hero mascot, also made an appearance and had a blast playing with the kids!

The kids were also teams responsible for making the perfect "book sandwich". 
The book sandwich consisted of different types of storybooks that had to be stacked in a certain order. 

As part of attending the program that day, kids receive a certificate for a free piece or fruit or veggie at Hagbergs Country Market!

Way to PowerUp Lake Elmo Library!