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Why Moving More Matters


PowerUp focuses on improving the health of kids, families, and our community. And moving more is key! We know that moving more is important for growing bodies and brains. Being active:

- builds strong bones and muscles

- increases energy and focus

- boosts self-esteem and sense of well-being

That is a whole lot of benefits for just 1 hour of active play each day!

With increasing screen time on tablets and in front of TVs, we know it can seem challenging to find ways to unplug and be active, but a little creativity can go a long way! Remember, every kid’s body loves to move in different ways. If they have not found their favorite ways to move, don’t give up!

The options are endless when exploring new ways to get moving. PowerUp is here to help families find creative ideas for moving more no matter the weather, when exploring a park or trail near you, and for making chores exciting with activity. When kids find fun ways to move that they enjoy, they are more likely to:

- try new activities

- find joy in being active

- build an interest that can last a lifetime

…..and that makes all the difference. Simply put: moving more can be fun and helps us all feel great!