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Fall Food Fun!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

 PowerUp Your Snacks with These Colorful Fall Food Fun Ideas!




  • Apple slices
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Small box of raisins
  • Carrot
  • Red pepper​



  • Prepare a sandwich and cut into a circle
  • Add raisins for the eyes, pieces of carrot for the nose and leg, and apple slices for the feather.
  • You can use a small red pepper or apple slice for the gobbler and put the remaining raisins on the side



 Gobble Gobble


  • Yellow pepper
  • Red pepper
  • Orange pepper
  • Broccoli
  • Purple lettuce
  • Celery
  • Yogurt veggie dip (see PowerUp recipe!)



  • Wash the veggies
  • Cut the peppers into slices
  • Slice half way up each celery stalk to make the feet
  • Spoon the veggie dip into the middle of the platter and begin arranging to shape the turkey
  • Use small triangle pieces of pepper for nose and small slice of red pepper for the gobbler




 Sweet Cornucopias


  • Small waffle cone
  • A variety of fruits



  • Let the kids fill the cone with lots of colorful fruits that will catch everyone's eye...and taste buds!



 Fall Tree


  • Grapes (use green and red)
  • Pretzel sticks



  • On plates or other work station, have children create a tree and branches out of pretzel sticks.
  • Then, simply add grapes cut in half as the leaves
  • Make it more fun and fall-like by using red grapes to capture the different colors of fall


 Apple Sandwiches


  • Apples
  • Peanut butter
  • Raisins (optional)



  • Cut circular apple slices, remove the core and spread with peanut butter. Sprinkle on raisins if you like, and top with another apple slice. That's it! Yum!


Go here to see more PowerUp recipes your family can make this fall!