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PowerUp Art Project

Thursday, April 2, 2015

"My students LOVED this lesson plan," stated Mrs. Floritto, teacher at St. Croix Catholic. "I was so impressed with how much the students knew about the different types of fruits and veggies and how much they liked them!"

  If you want a fun art project to do at home or in your classroom, here is the lesson plan! 

Objective: Look at the work of Renaissance painter Giuseppe Archimbaldo. He painted portraits that when turned upside down were still lifes, (a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture, such as bowls and glassware).

Using a bowl of fake and real fruits and veggies, arrange the items into the shape of a face. Make sure when you arrange the items, the face can be a still life portrait

While they are arranging the fruits and veggies, ask what other types of fruits and veggies could be used to make this portrait. You can even use the PowerUp PowerPack Magazine for ideas! (The magazine has fun riddles you can read students as well.)

Once the fruit and veggies are arranged, do a practice sketch. You can use oil pastels (pressing hard, blending and layering) to create new colors and values.

For the final drawing, use black paper and draw the objects in an interesting arrangement.
Thank you to Mrs. Pam Fioritto - Art teacher at St. Croix Catholic for sharing this awesome art project with us! 

Objective: Look at the work of Renaissance painter Giuseppe Archimbaldo - how he painted "portraits" that when turned upside down were still lifes, all made with fruits, vegetables, leaves and flowers. Using a bowl of fake and real fruits and veggies, work with your group to arrange a face that can also be a still life. Ask for examples of other fruits and veggies and use the Power Up booklet for ideas (I read them the fun riddles, too:) )


Do a practice sketch, then practice using oil pastels - pressing hard, blending, and layering to create new colors and values. For the final drawing, we used black paper and drew the objects in an interesting arrangement. VERY FUN project!

Objective: Look at the work of Renaissance painter Giuseppe Archimbaldo - how he painted "portraits" that when turned upside down were still lifes, all made with fruits, vegetables, leaves and flowers. Using a bowl of fake and real fruits and veggies, work with your group to arrange a face that can also be a still life. Ask for examples of other fruits and veggies and use the Power Up booklet for ideas (I read them the fun riddles, too:) )


Do a practice sketch, then practice using oil pastels - pressing hard, blending, and layering to create new colors and values. For the final drawing, we used black paper and drew the objects in an interesting arrangement. VERY FUN project!

Objective: Look at the work of Renaissance painter Giuseppe Archimbaldo - how he painted "portraits" that when turned upside down were still lifes, all made with fruits, vegetables, leaves and flowers. Using a bowl of fake and real fruits and veggies, work with your group to arrange a face that can also be a still life. Ask for examples of other fruits and veggies and use the Power Up booklet for ideas (I read them the fun riddles, too:) )


Do a practice sketch, then practice using oil pastels - pressing hard, blending, and layering to create new colors and values. For the final drawing, we used black paper and drew the objects in an interesting arrangement. VERY FUN project!