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PowerUp presents to Stillwater Medical Group employees

Thursday, August 1, 2013

PowerUp teaches Stillwater Medical Group employees how to PowerUp on the go!


Stillwater Medical Group, employees had an opportunity to learn about eating healthy when time is tight and they are heading out the door. The healthy eating brown bags are part of the Lakeview Health Worksite Wellness program. PowerUp program coordinator Stephanie Kovarik presented several quick and easy ideas, including:

  • Choose “real food” (minimally processed, minimal added sugar).
  • Save time and money – cook once, eat twice (or freeze).
  • Make fruit and veggies the base of your meal; keep a variety on hand, prepped and ready to grab.
  • Choose water, fruit/veggie infused water, milk, unsweetened tea or coffee.
  • Be aware when dining out – often comes with higher sodium.
  • Pile on the veggies when dining out at a sub shop.
  • Opt for a salad or soup at fast-food restaurants.
  • Choose cheese, peanuts, fruit or other healthy options from vending machines.
  • Package leftovers from dinner for lunch the next day.
  • Try this recipe for this green bean and wheat berry salad!