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Veggie Rx


Doctors prescribe fruits and veggies to children in HealthPartners hospitals and clinics

?During well child exams, doctors are handing out a special prescription to help kids get excited about fruits and veggies.

Kids who come in for their well child exam at any of our 55 clinic locations in the Twin Cities and St. Croix Valley will get more than just a check-up. From now until July 31, families can receive a $10 prescription to redeem for fresh produce at Cub Foods, Family Fresh, Econo Foods, Dick's and other local grocers through our Fruits and Veggie Rx program. **Note: Vouchers values may range from $5-$10 in value in certain communities due to partnership arrangements. 

Try for five

This program is all about helping kids get excited about trying more fruits and vegetables. My colleague, Dr. Jason Maxwell said it best: " When a Medical Provider writes a prescription, it sends a powerful message. It reminds kids and families about the importance of eating more fruits and vegetables. It helps power our bodies and minds, naturally." 

Tips to help kids try more fruits and veggies

  • Kids are often unsure about "new" foods. Keep offering with no pressure, and praise them just for trying
  • Kids actually taste things differently than adults. Experiment preparing them in different ways- roasted vs. steamed.
  • Be a role model. Let kids catch you trying fruit and veggies, and they'll likely want tor try too
  • Make them a colorful and fun. If its colorful, cut up, has a fun name or shape, they're more likely to try
  • Involve kids with grocery shopping, prepping and cooking. Try new recipes together and have a cook-off at home

More resources:

Try for five activity sheet
Fruit and veggie recipes
Watch how to make crispy kale chips